Americanism Talks - Liberty's DNA
Americanism Talks - Liberty's DNA

Americanism;  July 4th, 1776

Progressivism. Socialism. Communism. Topics that are talked about at length in Coffee Houses, Cafe’s and countless watering holes. Oddly, Americanism is conspicuously silent.

We aim to change that.

Our Declaration of Independence, the greatest document defining and defending humanity, gives us the freedoms we have enjoyed for 245 years. Individuality defines us as human beings. No two of us are alike.

The fingerprint. The focal point in the creation of a logo that will be readily identifiable as American. Individualism is known to every human being, yet only Americans enjoy Constitutional protection from governmental impulses to control the populace. We Americans are in control of our government. We elect and employ our leaders. They are answerable to us.

Our great country is under assault by those who wish to flip the role of government from a Constitutional Republic to an American form of Marxism. We must stand up to tyranny as it threatens the sovereignty of our Nation and its citizenry.

Americanism Fingerprint

Americanism FingerprintOur Declaration of Independence, the greatest document defining and defending humanity, gives us the freedoms we have enjoyed for 245 years. Individuality defines us as human beings. No two of us are alike.

The fingerprint. The focal point in the creation of a logo that will be readily identifiable as American. Individualism is known to every human being, yet only Americans enjoy Constitutional protection from governmental impulses to control the populace. We Americans are in control of our government. We elect and employ our leaders. They are answerable to us.

Our great country is under assault by those who wish to flip the role of government from a Constitutional Republic to an American form of Marxism. We must stand up to tyranny as it threatens the sovereignty of our Nation and its citizenry.

Our Declaration of Independence, the greatest document defining and defending humanity, gives us the freedoms we have enjoyed for 245 years. Individuality defines us as human beings. No two of us are alike.
Americanism Fingerprint
The fingerprint. The focal point in the creation of a logo that will be readily identifiable as American. Individualism is known to every human being, yet only Americans enjoy Constitutional protection from governmental impulses to control the populace. We Americans are in control of our government. We elect and employ our leaders. They are answerable to us.

Our great country is under assault by those who wish to flip the role of government from a Constitutional Republic to an American form of Marxism. We must stand up to tyranny as it threatens the sovereignty of our Nation and its citizenry.

Contrary to the constant drumbeat of our detractors, Americans are the most generous, beneficent people the world has ever known. We need not be compelled to give of ourselves. Financial aid and humanitarian initiatives come naturally to Americans as demonstrated countless times in our history. Free people are generous people.

As private and public entities brand themselves, logo’s become instantly recognizable. We will attain brand recognition through American interests and American pride that accompanies a free people. The spirit of America.

This is a Paul Revere moment as we face a determined anti- American foe. It is imperative that we coalesce and galvanize. United as one, we can and will, turn the tide of tyranny that threaten to envelope us. Historically, the loudest minorities have overtaken the silent majorities. Ask Stalin, Castro, Mao and countless other tyrants. North Korea comes to mind. We, the proud stewards of this great country need to talk, join hands and lock arms, speak out as one united front. School board meetings, town halls, PTA meetings, social gatherings and the kitchen table. Expressing love of country is virtuous and honorable. These simple acts will have a lasting impact on saving our county’s blessings.
Silent no more.
Americanism Talks Badge Logo
The evolution of our logo.
Individuals, that are free, to speak. We are Americans.

Activate your role as a sovereign citizen of these United States of America. Together, as one, we can silence the tyrants that seek to dehumanize our individuality. By speaking out in your community, writing your congressmen, senators we will be heard. branding and merchandise is designed for Americans who love our country. Wearing it and sharing it will ignite a movement of civic pride that is sorely lacking.

It falls to us to do our duty to preserve freedom for the next 245 years. The American Family Tree will continue to grow.